, Business, Management2025-03-10T15:06:41+00:00Open Journal Systems MANAGEMENT AND ITS ROLE IN ADAPTING TO CHANGES2025-03-10T13:23:08+00:00Neli<p>For a succesful functioning of a business it is not enough to simply implement proven and effective practices or create an effective workforce. An important role is assigned to adapting to the changes taking place around and using innovative approaches.</p> <p>The article presents both the role of innovation management for the organization and the decision-making stages that managers go through in the process of implementing changes. According to the author, using this approach and going through the mentioned stages perfectly will help organizations to develop the ability of adapting to changes as painlessly as possible.</p> <p>However, it should be emphasized that the proposed model will not always be effective and, in some cases, it will be necessary to modify it depending on the needs of the organizations.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management NECESSITY OF ECO-TOURISM, PROBLEMS AND FUTURE PROSEPCTIVES IN GEORGIA 2025-03-10T14:07:50+00:00Ia Gelashvili<p>The recent global processes have created crisis problems from an ecological and environmental point of view. Climate change, ecosystem destruction, environmental pollution, drinking water shortage, ethno-conflicts, etc. put on the agenda the need for people to relax and get healthy, which in turn implies the rapid and accelerated development of ecotourism. Our country has all conditions for development in this regard. To make reasonable and purposeful use of existing resources and opportunities, to complete infrastructure projects and to promote the country are crucial. Again and again, the state and each of us can make the greatest contribution to this work, because the main principle of ecotourism is the protection and preservation of the environment, which in turn ensures the well-being of the local population.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management ECONOMICS OF GEORGIA AND STATE DEPT 2025-03-10T14:16:58+00:00Maia Gelashvili<p> Production of goods and services determine an Economic situation in the country and the growth of income of the population. The stability of the economic situation is an indicator of the debt amount in a country. However, solvency is not less important. Developed countries are less likely to default, but a developing country such as Georgia, characterized by unstable economic growth and persistent fiscal deficits, has debt that hinders the country's socio-economic objectives and increases the risk of repayments. Regarding Georgia’s external debt, it is worth noting the devaluation of the lari and its ratio to gross domestic product, since the state external debt will reach thirty-three billion in 2022, and the upper limit of the debt is close to -56.5%. Paying off the debt would not be a problem if the country's population were employed, but it is a problem in this regard too. In particular, according to the unified database of socially vulnerable families for 2022, their number reaches 643,167 people, and 22.1% of the unemployed population is added to this. Judging by the analysis of the data provided, the correlation between GDP and public debt is high. The mentioned situation means that the government cannot regulate the current economic growth and development situation, because the risk is high.</p> <p> Based on the above problems, it is recommended that the internal and external debt taken by the government be aimed at effective reforms. The increase in prices for goods and services significantly reduces the well-being of the population in the country.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management AS A CHALLENGE AND EFFICIENCY OF THE SOCIAL INSURANCE2025-03-10T14:29:29+00:00Koba<p>Even with today's scientific and technological progress, humanity is faced with such an unsolvable problem as extreme poverty and hardship. Poverty has been named as the first out of the top 10 global challenges by the United Nations in 2024. About 10% of the world population still remains in extreme poverty. More than 600 million people consume less than 2 $ per day. Despite the impressive economic growth of the individual countries, it has not been possible to overcome poverty completely.</p> <p>The research discusses the root causes of the poverty and ways of overcoming poverty based on those causes which can play the crucial role. It overviews the social programs aiming elimination of the poverty and the gaps preventing achievement of the relevant results are also identified.</p> <p>The measures which will mitigate the impact of the poverty on wellbeing significantly are also recommended, which will create pre-condition for plan and implement targeted programs in case of strong state institutions, reduce the social disbalance between the social strata of the population and eliminates extreme poverty in the society.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management GROWTH IN DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 2025-03-10T14:40:56+00:00Amalia<p>The paper overviews existence of the short-term, mid- and long-term wave cycles of the developed countries lasting for 50 years and having general global nature (Kondratyev Cycles).</p> <p>The Cycles of Kondratyev have the investment nature and is directly linked to the scientific and technical progress, while the share of the agriculture in many developing countries against Gross Domestic Product is still high.</p> <p>The paper demonstrates the difference of the national income between developed and developing countries linked to the low competitiveness of the developing countries, on extremely low wages and poor working conditions there. While a number of popular stores in the West are proud of their products. At this time, a large part of the world's population is in constant crisis, depending on the degree of exploitation.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management THE PROBLEM OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN GEORGIA2025-03-10T14:52:35+00:00Lavrenti Chiburdanidze lavrenti-20@mail.ruLasha Chiburdanidze<p>The article overviews the theoretical and practical aspects of the current global challenge such as human capital and human development, assessment of the living standards, the factors of growth of human capital and the actual situation, models for calculating the parameters of human capital and human development indices and the value of the indices in the assessment of countries.</p> <p>It gives the historical aspects of the human capital concep in accordance to the human capital and human indices.</p> <p>The position of Georgia in the world's rankings of human capital and human development indices is examined and assessed against the backdrop of global comparisons as well as those of Armenia and Azerbaijan, two Transcaucasia neighbors.</p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management DURING DICITAL ECONOMY 2025-03-10T15:06:41+00:00Nana Jgharkava nana.jgarkava123@gmail.comNana<p>The world is constantly changing and digital transformation is one of the fundamental driving force. The technologies ensure historical shift from two-century long industrial economy to the „digital economy“.</p> <p>The paper discusses the peculiaritie of emerging digital economy, impact of the global pandemic on its development. The opinions of the scientists are studied, as well as employment problems in the digital environment, positive and negative impact of the digital economy on the employment. </p>2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic, Business, Management