მულტიკულტურული განათლების პრინციპები და სწავლების მიდგომები - სხვადასხვა ეროვნებისა და ეთნიკური წარმომავლობის ჯგუფებთან


  • ირმა ქურდაძე
  • გულნარა ჯანოვა


As an idea, multicultural education seeks to create equal educational opportunity for all students, including those of different races, ethnic groups and social class representatives. In his book- “The Education of citizens in multi cultural society", James Banks focuses on the concept which he regards as the five dimensions of multicultural education. Consequently, the aim of multicultural education is to create equal educational opportunity for all students, to change the school environment in the way to reflect different cultures and groups in the society and classrooms, to help citizens to build democracy and a harmonious society. It requires the skills, knowledge and relationships that are needed to build a democratic society. The best way to enhance the quality of education for pupils of different backgrounds is to create a suitable environment.


