speech activities, communication competence, internal and external speech, language system, encoding and decoding, language elements, thinking, interactingAbstract
The reform going on in the educational system of Georgia envisages practical interests of the country that means to have citizens with a high foreign language communicative competence, required by the decisions of the European Union in the educational sphere, by which the citizens of any European country should know two foreign languages, one - on a high level (Proficient User) and the second on the upper- intermediate level (Independent User).
Teaching a foreign language has a practical aim. It means to give a student the knowledge, he can use in his speech, can deepen and enrich language knowledge independently and communicate with representatives of another culture successfully.
Language is learned through the speech activities. In order to determine the essence and the aim of the speech activity in the process of communication, it is needed to identify the concepts:”language”, “speech”and“speech activity”. It is estimated that the language system and the speech are the two sides of one phenomenon.The language system creates the structural side and the speech the functional side of the language. Speaker uses either the first or the second component of the language system. The speech activity is a real act of speech which exists in four forms: listening, speaking,reading and writing.
The maijority of methodologists, psycholinguists and linguists consider that the speech activity is the object of teaching a foreign language to achieve the communication competence.
Recently, Georgia has signed an Association Agreement with the EU.It is a guarantee for Georgia to give its population a quality education. We teach a language as the means of communication, exchanging ideas, giving and receiving information. It means that we “ teach language activity and not a science about the language”.