Information For Authors

The Types of Material: The high-quality (original) articles, reports, reviews, folk and dialectological texts.   

Submitting of the Article (declaration): Submission of the article means, that it is not published (except abstract, the published part of the lecture, an academic thesis) and it is not considered to publish it. 

The articles shall be published in Georgian, English and/or Russian. The article written in Georgian should be accompanied by the abstract (resume) in Georgian and English languages. The articles written in a foreign language should be accompanied with the abstract (resume) in English language by an American or British English, but not by their combination). The authors who consider that English handwriting requires proofreading to avoid grammatical or orthographical errors and correct the text for the scientific English, can apply the grammar and spelling editors for English language. If editorial board considers that English article should be published in Georgian language, the journal will ensure Georgian translation itself. The submitted articles are checked for plagiarism by means of Turnitin software.

The technical requirements for submission article: The article shall be provided in A4 format. The volume of the article, including the references and other type of annexes with single space and font size 11 shall not exceed original paper (40 thousand symbol) or 20 MS Word pages. It is required to submit one copy of printed article, together with MS word version (in case of desire submit in  PDF format additionally, Georgian article by the font Sylfaen and the text in foreign language by Times New Roman, other language by the Unicode fonts);

The paper shall be sent on the following address:

Since the compliance of the paper with the scientific directions and technical parameters of the journal will be proved, the article is sent to the editor who provides review.


A reviewing process is mutually closed, what means that the personality of an author and a reviewer is unknown for each of them. The reviewer sends an abstract, while a reviewer evaluates it in accordance to the following criteria: novelty of the research, importance of the research, compliance of the research methodology with the topic, the reliability of the research finding, the importance of the research for the field development.

In case of positive evaluation of a reviewer, an editor takes decision about publishing the paper. While the evaluation is negative, an editor is eligible to reject publishing of the paper, to return it for further elaboration, asking for explanations/specifications and after getting the reasoned responses give an approval on publishing.

The structure of the article, the title of the article: Please, follow the short informative style, try the title to be specific (not general) reflecting the content of an article. Avoid acronyms, abbreviation, focus on a larger audience; an author/authors: Insert a full name, surname, an academic degree, a position, a phone number, the e-mail of the author (authors); An abstract (a resume) under the title of the article (on the right side). An abstract (a resume) should be informative, demonstrating the summary of the article, describing the goal of the research, summarizing the key findings of the research and showing theoretical and practical importance of it, it should be structured.

Summary (abstract) – It is separated from the article. Therefore, references, uninformative word increasing the volume of the text, not supporting to opening contents of the article shall be avoided. Finally, it should be original; it is required to have a brief and factual abstract (resume) (maximum 250 words, approximately one page);  

Key words: the article shall be accompanied by the correctly selected key words. The ultimate number of words should be 8. Use only accepted abbreviation;

Introduction of the article: Give the idea of the problem, your goals, what is your hypothesis, the importance of your paper, what has been done before (review of the references; highlight several most interesting and original works, including the latest publications, big number of references are not recommended especially, not linked to the topic, or non-related inserts about your own achievements); Please, describe what are your achievements as briefly as possible. 

Methodology: the article shall be constructed methodologically correctly; it means that the appliance of modern methods of research should be demonstrated. Describe how the problem was studies, provide with the full information. 

Results: the results shall be clear and brief. Organize a paragraph according to the hypothesis. The results are not described here. The tables and figures are applied for generalization of the data; tables, pictures and the texts should not repeat each other; the titles of the picture shall have an independent meaning; the material shall be provided in an interpreted way; the readers often look at the diagrams and schemes first and then read the article. Therefore, each illustration shall be clear and informative; each illustration shall have a title and a brief description. Make a brief title, but explain all applied symbols and abbreviation; Put the figures and tables used in the text in a consecutive way. Insert footnotes under the tables in the small letters. Avoid vertical columns. Pay attention that the data given in the tables do not repeat the findings described in other paragraphs of the article.

Discussion – The paragraph shall study the importance of the paper results and do not repeat them. Sometimes uniting of the findings and discussion is acceptable (Findings and Discussion). Avoid long quotations and review of the published literature. Highlight the significance of the findings (why are they important). The discussion is the most important part, it shall correspond to the findings. Do not neglect those papers which contradicts to yours – hold a discussion and assure readers in the correctness of your discourse. Discuss the hidden idea of your results, compare them with the previous ones.  

Findings - Key finding can be presented in the paragraph of the Findings, which can be provided either as a separate sub-paragraph and as a discussion paragraph.

Thanking in the last paragraph, before remark one, express your gratitude to all the people who contributed to the research. Do not refer this paragraph in the form of the footnote at the title or otherwise.   

Footnote: Try to avoid frequent use of footnotes, if there is something important write them in the text, otherwise exclude them. Number the footnotes by the Arabic numbers consecutively. Majority of text editor software produces the footnotes themselves, please, use it. In other cases, define the place of the footnote in the text and refer the footnote at the end of each article.   

Sources, quotations in the text: Please, not that all the references given in the text shall be referred in the reference list and vice-versa. Unpublished results and personal interactions are not recommended to be given in the references, but it can be mentioned in the text. In case the source is given in the references, it shall meet the standard style requirements of referring in the journal. The quotations “in printing” mentioned in the source means, that the paper is accepted for publishing.   

Reference Style: The quotation and references in the article to be published shall be applied in accordance to the Chicago.

After quoted sentence or paragraph given in the scientific publication there should be index, indicating the author identity, the year of issuing of the paper and respective page in the round brackets, for instance (Johns 1998, 623).