პანთურქიზმი და პროქართული მაჰმადიანი ბეგები სამცხე-ჯავახეთში 1917-1921 წლებში


  • დარეჯან ჟუჟუნაძე


Muslim Begs played a big role in current historical process in Samtskhe-Javakheti in 1917-1921 years. Beg-Aghala-rebsunty, full of panturkish ideas was created from trailors of homeland. Although there were Mussulman Begs who saw their ,,brother” in Christian Georgians or simply they were supporters of democratic government. For example, Baghshi-Beg Machabeli (Adigeni commissar) was on the Begs side, but then he moved to Georgian government and was devoted to them all his life. Also Akhmad Beg Avalishvili, who was a brother in low of Beg Mahmad Beg, living in village Oshora was the supporter of Sever Beg for the first time on demonstration but then he changed his position and moved to Georgians side. Mushtad-beg Machabeli, village shaloshetis beg was trying to defend Christian Georgians from Mussulman gangs. His devotion helped Christian Georgians living in a village Tmogvi from Mussulman invades. So, situations happening in Samtskhe-Javakheti in 1917-1921 years towards Christian Georgians had veracious position. Different from Mussulman Begs with Panturkish ideas, one part of Mussulman-Meskhebi Begs had friendly attitude to Christian Georgians and they disturbed rebel gangs to raid Christian Georgians.


