თურქეთ-საქართველოს ურთიერთობები XX-XXI საუკუნეების მიჯნაზე ჟურნალ ,,ჩვენებურის" პუბლიკაციების მიხედვით
The article deals with the publications in the Turkish language journal “Chveneburi” written by Turkish researchers which deal with the Turkish-Georgian relationship in the 90s of the XXc. and at the beginning of the XXIc. These conclusions are mostly the general description of the situation existed between two neighboring countries in above mentioned period. The aim of the authors of articles and journal executives was to provide the Turkish society with the analysis of ongoing events in Georgia and to fix the attitudes of Turkey on international and regional issues of politics. Unfortunately, the edition of the journal “Chveneburi” stopped in 2006. It prevented us from knowing how Turkish analysts’ evaluated the processes in Georgia in 2005-2006 and later its further turbulent period. The contribution of the journal is great not only in covering Georgian issues generally Georgian science, culture and sport but informing the Turkish society properly. Accordingly, any publication in it deserves to be studied and taken into consideration.