ტესტის შემუშავებისა და შეფასების ზოგიერთი პედაგოგიური ასპექტი


  • მარეხ ნათენაძე


The author considers the importance of the discussion of some pedagogical aspects for the development and the evaluation of the test. She discusses the issues of secondary and high school education under the testing conditions and clearly indicates the strengths and the weaknesses of testing as one of the methods of evaluation. At the same time, based on perennial experience she considers appropriate to discuss the issue of using the standardized testing model at schools. She notes that the test does not adequately reflect the student's academic performance and skills. The testing becomes the issue of the debate when it is the only format of the examination. As for enhancing the quality of education, according to the author, this is possible by the quality of the learning process itself – by choosing a variety of strategies and developing the professional attitude towards this issue.


