თანხმოვანფუძიანი არაქართული გვარების დაბოლოებისათვის
Georgia is a multinational country where Armenians, Azerians, Kurds and peoples of other nationalities live. Today they are actively studying official language of the country and are trying to be integrated with Georgians. But still there are many problems and questions to be settled. One of them is the question of filling the identity card of Georgian citizenship correctly. According to the peculiarities of the case of determinant and the word it determines, if the name of the person ending in consonant is in the nominative case, it doesn‟t need a mark of the nominative case, but the surnames must have it, though the names with the vowel ending don‟t need it. The surnames with the consonant stems always add the mark of the nominative case. The mistakes can be corrected by activating of the corresponding law, as the scientific conclusions don‟t have the legal power.