ქართველებისა და ოსების ერთობლივი ბრძოლა განძის ამირას წინააღმდეგ XI ს-ის 70-იანი წლების მიწურულში
Conflict between Bagrati and Amira Padloni was finished. Bagrati managed to win this battle by the help of King of Ossetians, somehow, this meant failure of Alf-Arslan in Georgia. Padlon was his favorite, who helped him to implement his politics in Georgia. Probably, Padlon‟s failure played an important role in Georgian and Ossetian kings ceremonial meeting, as it is described in “Kartli Life”. Georgian Chronicle does not name the date of Gandza‟s failure by Ossetians, as we mentioned, King Bagrati should have arrested Padloni in summer or autumn of 1069. After this, according to “Kartli Chronicle”, the events (giving Fadloni freedom, his re enmity to Georgia, Ossetians‟ transfer for helping by Bagrati, Gandzi‟s failure by them, celebration) developed fast one after another. Considering that, defeating Gamdzi Ossetians hurried to leave the place after celebration because of strict winter, winter of 1069-1070 can be considered as the date of Gandza „s defeat.