სომხეთის განმათავისუფლებელი მოძრაობა და ერეკლე II XVIII საუკუნის მეორე ნახევარში
New epoch of Caucasian and Near East people‟s national liberation movement starts from the II half of the XVIIIc. It was connected with Kartl-Kakheti Kingdom, its relation totheinternationalvenue. In spite of multilateralefforts of interested sides, the idea of establishing Georgian-Armenian State failed in the II half of the XVIIIc. To our mind it was caused firstly by Ioseb Emini‟s provocativeactions but Erekle II didn‟t support and trust him.Secondly the inconsistent andfluctuatingposition of the representatives of Indian Armenian bourgeoisie (Shaamiriani)and incompatibility with the position of the representatives of liberation movement of the Armenians living in Russia removed from agenda the perspective of restoring Georgian-Armenian State.