სიკეთის კონცეპტი მოსე ხონელის "ამირანდარეჯანიანში"
A noble knight in the novel “Amirandarejaniani”of the Middle Ages is committed with the protection of kindness. His each step is an activity to make a kindness and defend it. The ideal hero of the novel makes kindness and depends it in any situation- in the war and during peace, He knows that to fulfill his duty as a knight ( to save the poor, to dedicate his master, king, Eristavi , to serve high ideals) is making a kindness. His every step is led with this thoughts and consciousness. Kindness as a category for Mose Khoneli and his knight means a hatred of anti humanism, indecent, amorality, pseudo knight, nonhuman. Mose Khoneli‟s hero fights to avoid bleeding, cruelty, aggression. he is committed to prevent all kind of uncontrolled physical strength and sicknesses. The hero uses his power only for good purposes . His physical and spiritual strength is always directed to defend kindness and fight against negative things.