ფრედერიკ ბეგბედერი - მოდური მწერალი


  • მარეხ ტატალაშვილი


Who is Frederic Begbeder and why his novel caused so much noise or more, a scandal in the whole world? Begbeder worked in the advertising company like Oktav –the main character of his novel. And publishing this novel became a cause of his removal from office. He left the world of the advertisement that laughs at “99 francs“, though his books popularity is explained by his knowledge of advertisement business. The environment and events described in the book is a reflection of the author‟s private experience. Begbeder cynically describes the riches of those famous people who have gained it on expense of world misfortune and spiritual impoverishment. I try to awaken you to see the world with a different eye. I don‟t think my novels will change the world but they will respond today‟s problems.


