გაკვეთილის სტრუქტურისადმი ახლებური მიდგომა და მოსწავლეებში მაღალი სააზროვნო უნარების განვითარება
One of the goals of the National Curriculum is developing thinking skills. Observation on the teaching process and many year practice show that it is impossible to develop students‟ thinking skills from knowledge to evaluation-synthesis level because of lack of time at the lesson In fact, thinking skills are developed only on knowledge and understanding level. It somehow causes to use a new approach to the lesson structure according to which explanation of a new material will be done at home independently as a homework. But consolidation of a new material will be done in class by the teacher with the help of different activities. The basis of the approach is to introduce to international experience and many year real practice working in united classes. Where to save the time, the teacher asks students to read the new material independently at home. The next day the teachers with the help of various teaching and learning activities successfully consolidates the new material. In fact, this way it is possible to introduce a new material to students at home, on knowledge and understanding level of thinking but in the classroom it‟s possible to develop upper level of thinking skills such as: analyses evaluation and syntheses.