საქართველოსა და ჩრდილო კავკასიის ხალხთა ურთიერთობების პოლიტიკურ-სოციალური ასპექტები


  • იოსებ ალიმბარაშვილი


Based on the archival and narrative sources the article analyzes the relations between Georgia and the North Caucasus peoples. It also reflects our country's political and economic point of view for the North Caucasian. There were explained the reasons which produced such a tragic event, such as „Lekianoba“. In this respect the article analyzes the role and interest of Ottoman and Russian Empires. The article shows that,, Lekianoba "was not only the political process against Georgia, but it had a social content and equally threatened the Russian province of Stavropol and Kuban, North-Iran and Armenia. There were several examples, how the Avars supported Georgian Princes in the fight against Russian colonial policy. The article describes the difficult situation, which this process has brought to Georgia and the North Caucasus and who benefited from its results.






ისტორია და რელიგია: ფაქტი, მოვლენა, კომენტარი