სამუშაო ძალის საერთაშორისო მიგრაციის ცალკეული ასპექტები საქართველოში
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Labor force, international migration, labor market, demographic development, employment of the populationანოტაცია
International migration of the labor force is an inseparable part of the international economy internalization. Labor potential, the crucial factor for production both at a national and international level, seeks the place and means where the working force will be used more efficiently.
Labor migration is the complex phenomenon of the public life reflecting different parts of the social, political and economic development of the country and regions. Study of the migration flows is still important because it is closely linked to the different parts of the public life; it has multifaceted and important outcomes. Therefore, in order to understand its nature thoroughly, it is necessary to learn the factors leading to migration, its directions, frequency, etc.