კორპორაციული მართვისა და საკორპორაციო სამართლის განვითარების ზოგიერთი ასპექტი


  • ელგუჯა ჭანტურია


Some issues of origin of corporate law are discussed in the work; It is noted that the existence of developed corporative justice on the basis of corporation norms -  is one of the main signs of civil society.  The conclusion concerning  on the fact, that the corporation law, which began developing by trading guilds and merchants caravans, is the first form the trade corporations. The origins and development of corporations in England, the United States and France are also discussed in the work.

            Development of corporate law has reached quite high level in the countries of market economy- A large number of legislative and sub-legislative acts have been developed. A sufficiently extensive court practice has accumulated. But at some point it has become  clear that a certain part of the problems could not be achieved with the help of mandatory norms, because their solution generally goes beyond the legislative field. That is why it was necessary to introduce codex of corporate management


